
Safety Codes Council


About your Business

What is the name of your business and in what industry do you operate?

Safety Codes Council

We are responsible to the Minister of Municipal Affairs to administer portions of the safety system, including accrediting the municipalities, corporations, and agencies that sell permits and inspect the work carried out under these permits, certifying and training safety codes officers who do the inspections, administering the Alberta Master Electrician Program, and working with industry through our sub-councils to recommend codes and standards.

 What is your name, title, and role in the organization?

 I’m Hon Tang, the controller for the organization.

Your Challenge

What issue, challenge, or pain point were you looking to address?

We were looking for a more cost-effective solution with better-tasting coffee for all the stakeholders to enjoy.

Why did you decide to choose Nespresso as a solution?

Majority of the council staff preferred Nespresso over its competitors in the commercial market.


How does this solution meet your needs and what benefits have you seen as a result of the solution?

So far, there are a lot of employee satisfaction. I have to say everyone is loving the premium product and enjoying the amazing coffee experience. I really can’t wait to reap all the other benefits such as complementary courtesy visit, efficient coffee ordering process and fast delivery that comes with our new coffee machine as soon we are allowed to back into the office.

Would you recommend working with EVS to a friend or family member? Why?

Definitely, our sales representative is great. He is easy to communicate with, dependable, knowledgeable, and willing to help out wherever he can. I recommend to everyone who hasn’t tried Nespresso to try their coffee.