
Zaatar w Zeit


About your Business

 What is the name of your establishment?

 Zaatar w Zeit Food Canada Inc.

How is your establishment positioned in the market?

Zaatar w Zeit

Zaatar w Zeit is a popular Lebanese restaurant food chain with over 80 outlets in Lebanon and the GCC area.

What is your name, title, and role in the organization?

Gerard Daccache – Market Operations Manager

Your Challenge

What issue, challenge, or pain point were you looking to address?

We didn’t have any.

Why did you decide to choose Nespresso as a solution?

Nespresso has always been our partner in all our outlets in the world. They have become part of the Zaatar w Zeit experience by providing a premium and unique coffee experience. As a brand, we believe that everyone around the world should experience the good food that we offered, paired with one of the world’s leading coffee brands.


How does this solution meet your needs and what benefits have you seen as a result of the solution?

The coffee solution created by Nespresso Professional offers a wide range of coffee selection to all Zaatar w Zeit’s customers. We love having multiple coffee options going from macchiatos, lattes to various espresso options. By providing all these customization options to our customers we are happy they can enjoy a cup of coffee the way they like it. We believe a good cup of coffee can go a long way at making our customers’ day a little happier.