cs20 FAQ

A: There are some helpful videos at the bottom of this page. Scroll up and you’ll find one that will walk you through how to descale your Nespresso CS20.

Note: The Nespresso CS20 Descaling video references a removal tool and liquid container; Nespresso within North America does not supply either item. The nozzle can be removed by turning counterclockwise and to reengage the nozzle to the housing by turning the nozzle clockwise. Additionally, the liquid container mentioned in the video can be any sufficient heat-tolerant size container.

A: For help changing amount of the steamed milk your CS20 produces it’s best to call Nespresso at 1-855-325-5783 and someone will walk you through the process.

A: Wipe the machine with a damp cloth. DO NOT use any harsh chemicals, stainless steel cleaner or copious amounts of water.

A: For machine water leaks please call Nespresso immediately at 1-855-325-5783.

A: Remove the chrome nozzle (1), remove the adjustable dial (2), remove the air valve on top (3). Thoroughly clean everything in warm soapy water. Dry and reassemble.

  • Gemini Milk Nozzle

A: Try purging the steam through the machine a few times by doing the following:

  • Make sure the milk canister is in place.
  • Push the milk button and let it run until it stops.
  • Remove the nozzle body (this is black and red piece connected to the milk froth outlet above the milk container). Remove any dried milk found with a paper clip or any similar item.
  • Descale your machine. You can find a video at the top of this page that will walk you through this whole process.
  • Gemini Steam Outlet

A: If using the permanent froth nozzle, make sure it is clean.

  • If you are using disposable straws and nozzles:
  • Make sure the straw has a snug fit onto the nozzle and is not cracked.
  • Make sure your milk container is full.
  • Make sure the straw is inserted all the way down into the milk container.
  • If you notice low steam pressure, try descaling the machine.
  • If troubleshooting has not resolved the issue, contact Nespresso at 1-855-325-5783.
  • Gemini Disposable Milk Frother

A: Have you ran the containers through a dishwasher? The containers are a double wall thermos and the heat from a dishwasher will ruin them. One way to test is to fill the container with hot water and let it sit on the counter for 5 minutes. If you feel the outside of the container start to get hot, the container is no good and should be replaced. Phone Nespresso at 1-855-325-5783 to order a new one.

A: Your CS20 operates on 120v and can be plugged into a standard household style electical outlet.

Getting started
